16 Vacant Positions

Friday, September 10th, 2021

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forests hereby invite interested candidates within and outside the Public Service to apply for the following job vacancies:

Interested applicants are required to submit their applications together with the following supporting documents:

*Covering letter, Updated Curriculum Vitae and References, Certified certificates and academic transcript, Valid police record and birth certificate.

All applications are to be addressed to the A/CEO for Agriculture, Food and Forests, Office of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forests (MAFF), Ma’ufanga and to be received no later than 4:30pm, Thursday 23rd September,2021.

Public Service employees who wish to apply must submit their applications with endorsement of their respective Chief Executive Officers.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Should you require a copy of the Job description please contact the MAFF Office at telephone number :7401 – 101/ 7401-115 or email Mrs. Kalati M Hafoka: latimau@gmail.com or Mrs. Katinia Sole: ilaivahanitoni.sole@gmail.com during working hours.

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